It’s Your Money. Keep More of It.

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David Wiener

David Wiener

National Account Executive

Toll-free: 1-888-780-1333
Phone: 770-224-8504
Fax: 1-888-201-8468

David Wiener, known as “Mr. Cash Flow”, is the CEO of Cash Flow Strategies, Inc. David has devoted himself to assisting practices and businesses across the US in maximizing their cash flow and becoming more efficient. Since 2016, David has partnered with CSSI® to assist property owners and lessees in taking advantage of the tax benefits of engineering-based Cost Segregation and the Tangible Property Regulations studies.

He has spoken to and consulted with groups across the US and internationally for over 25 years. His engaging style and quick wit has made him a favorite of audiences coast to coast and has attracted many return engagements.

CSSI® is the Premier company for engineering-based cost segregation studies in America.

Our objective at CSSI® is to facilitate maximum tax savings to improve your cash flow, allowing your businesses to grow, evolve, and flourish. With more than 30,000 cost segregation studies completed, our team of professionals ensures maximum tax savings.

Does Your Property Qualify for Cost Segregation?